Women’s Haven Africa; in partnership with the Ghana Tech Lab under the Pathway to Sustainable Employment Program is organizing a Women Startup Investment Pitch Summit.
Who are Women’s Haven Africa? What is the Women Startup Investment Pitch Summit? Jamie says…
Women’s Haven Africa; is an all-female technology and innovation hub, and is located in Kumasi. The organization is focused on not only increasing the number of women in the field of technology, but also those of leadership as well as entrepreneurship. Feel free to follow them; on either their Facebook or Twitter social media accounts.
The Women Startup Investment Pitch Summit; is scheduled for the 11th of September 2020 from 10 am, at the Okubi Hotel; located in Abrepo in Kumasi. The summit’s theme is Web Technology and its potential in Kumasi entrepreneurial ecosystem to accelerate the creation of jobs.
In light of this; the aim of the event is to inspire more women to make their mark in the digital world and also to help them realize the potential of the field of web development as both a suitable and also lucrative career venture.
Which other organizations are supporting Women Startup Investment Pitch Summit?
The Women Startup Investment Pitch Summit is ably supported by not only the MasterCard Foundation and Young Africa Works, but also The World Bank, and The Government of Ghana through its Ministry of Communications, as well as also being under the Pathway to Sustainable Development Program.

I hope you find this story to be not only exciting but also educational. As always, keep those comments coming; either on the social media channels or alternatively on The Brew Show! Do remember to stay safe, and enjoy the rest of your week. Bye for now!